How To Make Infants Listen To Your? KEY TIPS

Learning Seeds
3 min readFeb 10, 2021


Being an active parent; you very well know that your infant child is often prone to tantrum triggers and episodes of anger. Now, as much as you love watching your infant at work; at times their manners (or lack of) and defiance can certainly test your patience.

Although these little infants may still need some time to develop their skills and behavior, some bold parents are admitting them into infant care centres to introduce them the idea of manners and making them more agreeable.

The decision to enroll them into an infant care centre may not be a bad decision, after all! These centres know how to handle kids and communicate with them in the way they want.

Plus, They Even Explain Some Smart Tips On How To Make Infants Listen More!

· Use Their Name & Wait Till You Have Their Attention

Always refer them by using their name- even if it is for the simplest of tasks. By hearing their name, the kid will stay more focused towards you.

One wise trick which works well is calling their name; waiting for them to turn their head and look at you; and then finishing up the sentence.

Case in point- instead of simply saying — ‘Lunch is ready’; you can say ‘Ed (pause); Lunch is ready’!

· Communicate With Infants at Eye-Level

In words of day care tutors in Singapore; the right way to communicate with infants is speaking to them at eye-level. Doing so makes the child aware that one should never look down on a person when trying to communicate with them.

Plus, by maintaining eye-level contact; you catch the attention these infants, thus making them more likely to listen to you.

· Set an Example of Good Manners by Including Thank You or Please

Another excellent idea to make infants listen to you is setting a good example for them. Look to use as many good words in sentences such as Thank You; Please, Excuse me and so on whenever applicable.

The more these infants watch you and hear you, the more chances that they too will pick up this habit as they grow and learn to speak properly.

· Swap Negative Words with Positive Sentences

When communicating with infants, most infant care tutors/experts suggest not using negative words in front of them.

Some common ones include — “No running inside Ed…” or “Don’t drop the glass…”

This lowers the child’s confidence and makes them a tad circumspect whenever they’re in front of you.

Instead; you should look to use positive terms like — “Only walking indoors Ed…” or “Hold the glass very carefully Ed”

Listening to positive terms will make them more confident as they grow. Plus, they will slowly start to realize what they should do and what they should not do.

· Refrain From Interrupting Infants & Give Them Space to Understand Your Words

One common mistake which parents often make is interrupting their kids in the middle; just when they’re trying to comprehend their words.

You need to realize that their minds are still very young and it takes time to process words and understand its meaning. So the wise choice would be to not interrupt them as they try to figure out the words they intend to use.

As most infant/child care tutors would put it –

If kids are interrupted repeatedly, then soon they may lose interest to the conversation. At times; they may even lose interest in expressing their thoughts and feelings with you in the near future.

THERE YOU HAVE IT — some smart tips to make infants listen to you. Take inspiration from these expert tips whenever possible.

Plus, if you want to enroll your child into a notable playgroup care centre in Singapore. So click the above link and visit our website.



Learning Seeds
Learning Seeds

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